Security Checklist for Front-end

HTML Injection

  • Avoid using unsafe HTML parsing options (React’s dangerouslySetInnerHTML, Vue’s v-html and innerHTML), or
  • Store and send only sanitized HTML content in the backend to the frontend.
  • Sanitize HTML content using library such as dom-purify before parsing.

URL Injection

  • Sanitize URL in the back-end before sending to frontend.
  • Sanitize URL in the frontend using library such as sanitize-url before rendering.

Style Injection

JavaScript Injection

  • Avoid injection of external JavaScript via all means. If injection is necessary, e.g. Google OAuth, seek for equivalent NPM package, e.g. google-auth-library , to be able to scan for security issues.
  • Use only HttpOnly cookie (not readable by JavaScript) to avoid potential XSS attacks.

Web Storage API (Session Storage/Local Storage)

  • Avoid storing user’s credentials, data or combination of data that can potentially reveal user personal information or identity.
  • Encrypt data before storing into session storage/local storage using standard libraries like crypto-js .

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