SonarQube and code coverage
Getting Started
SonarQube is an open-source platform developed by SonarSource for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs and code smells.
Let’s take a quick look at the commands we’ll run to trigger the code analysis and get code coverage report.
Use CMD instead of bash to run the commands or see
// let's initiate the SQ analysis
// ask your project lead/PM/BA to get the project-key and token
// with sonar.coverage.exclusions we exclude generic front-end related files from code-coverage
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:<project-key> /"" /d:sonar.login="<token>" /d:sonar.coverageReportPaths="./coveragereport/SonarQube.xml" /d:"sonar.coverage.exclusions=**/*.js,**/*.ts,**/*.svelte,**/*.cshtml,**/*.cjs,**/wwwroot/**/*,**/node_modules/**/*"
// let's delete the coveragereport directory to remove codecoverage report generated in previous analysis
rmdir /s /q coveragereport
// SQ needs to analyze the compiled binaries and other generated files as part of the analysis
dotnet build
// run tests and gather code coverage information
// check coveragereport directory
dotnet test ./ --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" --results-directory:coveragereport --no-build
// let's transform the previously collected information into something SQ understands
reportgenerator -reports:".**\coverage.*.xml" -targetdir:"coveragereport" -reporttypes:SonarQube
// let's end the analysis; in a couple of minutes, you should see the latest result in SQ web UI
dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="<token>"
Install dotnet-sonarscanner and reportgenerator by running the following commands
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
Ensure that you have Java JDK installed in your system. If it is not, you may download it here
Getting Token
Go to My account page on Sonarqube and generate a token. Save it somewhere safe i.e. BitWarden
Running a scan
Go to the directory that contains the .sln file and run the following commands. Replace {projectName} with the name of your project in SonarQube. Replace {token} with the token generated from the previous steps.
Command to start scan (use cmd instead of git bash on windows):
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:"{projectName}" /d:"" /d:"sonar.login={token}"
Commands to build the solution :
dotnet build
Commands to finish the scan" :
dotnet sonarscanner end /d:"sonar.login={token}"
Excluding a project
Add the following in the .csproj
Including Code Coverage
update the dotnet sonarscanner begin command to include the codecoverage report
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:"{projectName}" /d:"" /d:"sonar.login={token}" /d:sonar.coverageReportPaths="./coveragereport/SonarQube.xml"
you may wonder what/where is the SonarQube.xml; we’ll generate that file using the below commands
Run the tests
dotnet test ./ --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" --results-directory:coveragereport
Note: if your project is using a different coverage tool, the command will be different
Export the report, choose the report type as SonarQube
reportgenerator -reports:".**\coverage.*.xml" -targetdir:"coveragereport" -reporttypes:SonarQube"
Exclude the files for SonarQube code coverage, add the following in .csproj
<SonarQubeSetting Include="sonar.coverage.exclusions">
<Value>{files you want to exclude}</Value>
Things inside <Value> </Value>
is the files/folders you want to exclude from coverage. Split files by “,”. Matching rule is:
*- Match zero or more characters
** - Match zero or more directories
? - Match a single character
can refer to this link for more information about matching
Excluding folders/files from test coverage; alternative approach
We can also specify our exclusions directly on the command
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:"{projectName}" /d:"" /d:"sonar.login={token}" /d:sonar.coverageReportPaths="./coveragereport/SonarQube.xml" /d:"sonar.exclusions=**/*.js,**/*.ts,**/*.svelte,**/*.cshtml,**/*.cjs,**/wwwroot/**/*,**/node_modules/**/*"
Excluding files/folders for SonarScan
Add the following in csproj, the following shows exclude scan for all files in folder Migrations
<SonarQubeSetting Include="sonar.exclusions">
To exclude all the files in a project, you can do the following:
<SonarQubeSetting Include="sonar.exclusions">
- ** means all the folders under project, and . means all the files under the project.
- Things inside
<Value> </Value>
is the files you want to exclude from coverage. Split files by “,”