Misc: Reorder Sections

If you want to reorder sections in the wiki, please consult with developer team first. Following actions are doable within realm of content editing:

  • Rename section URL path (e.g. https://wiki.tsp.sg/engineering => https://wiki.tsp.sg/software-engineering)
  • Put existing sections under a new section (e.g. https://wiki.tsp.sg/engineering => https://wiki.tsp.sg/tech/engineering)
  • Move a section up (e.g. https://wiki.tsp.sg/it/references -> https://wiki.tsp.sg/it-reference)

Rename section

Put existing sections under a new section

  • Step 1: create new section folder under folder content, e.g. for section https://wiki.tsp.sg/tech/ you need to create new folder content/tech
  • Step 2: copy file content/sample_index.md to the new folder and rename it to _index.md. Edit the file content to match your expected displayed content
  • Step 3: cut and parse the existing section folder inside the new folder, e.g. cut and parse content/engineering inside content/tech.

Following steps are more technical. If you are unfamiliar, please skip to step 7 and inform reviewers to handle the changes

  • Step 4: correct the side menu. Edit the file https://git.tsp.dev/tsp/wiki/-/blob/main/config/_default/params.toml?ref_type=heads#L44 to include your new folder.
  • Step 5: correct the top navigation bar. If the old section appears in the top navbar, we have to modify the file https://git.tsp.dev/tsp/wiki/-/blob/main/config/_default/menus/menus.en.toml?ref_type=heads to correct the URL.
  • Step 6: correct all references to the old section in the wiki. Ensure all references of the old section in other pages in the wiki are updated correctly.
  • Step 7: raise a new merge request/review request

Move a section up

  • Step 1: cut the existing section folder and move to the new location, e.g. cut and parse content/it/reference inside content/it-reference.
  • Step 2: if the old location is no longer used, delete the corresponding folder, e.g. delete folder content/it

Following steps are more technical. If you are unfamiliar, please skip to step 6 and inform reviewers to handle the changes

  • Step 3: correct the side menu. Edit the file https://git.tsp.dev/tsp/wiki/-/blob/main/config/_default/params.toml?ref_type=heads#L44 to include your new folder.
  • Step 4: correct the top navigation bar. If the old section appears in the top navbar, we have to modify the file https://git.tsp.dev/tsp/wiki/-/blob/main/config/_default/menus/menus.en.toml?ref_type=heads to correct the URL.
  • Step 5: correct all references to the old section in the wiki. Ensure all references of the old section in other pages in the wiki are updated correctly.
  • Step 6: raise a new merge request/review request