FAQs related to new VPN setup

Nov 29, 2023


1. I haven’t received an email with subject : [Important] Add new TSP VPN profile even after raising a new request

The email is sent to your @tsp.dev email address. So please go to inbox.tsp.dev and check your inbox.

2. I have integrated tsp.dev email to the Gmail inbox in the past, but cannot see the email in the gmail inbox.

Please follow the steps mentioned in TSP Dev Mail Integration and test by sending an email. If you still don’t receive the emails after the setup, please write to it_support@thesoftwarepractice.com with a screenshot.

3. I’m facing connection timed out error when I connect to TSP_Common

Please try for couple of times to connect, if you’re still facing the issue, Please raise a request via youtrack

4. I cannot access my project UAT and PROD urls with the profile TSP_Common There are two profiles given to everyone

  1. TSP_Common : Please connect to this profile to connect to Youtrack, Git, SonarQube
  2. Project Profile (Example : HSA_DASH, MUIS_HARS) : This profile is given to the projects requiring access to client hosted websites like UAT and Production. Eg: HSA_DASH profile will be given to people working in HSA DASH only.

5. I’m on leave and missed the email and the profile link is expired now. How do I set up ?

Please raise a request via youtrack

6. I have received the email but not sure how to complete the set up.

Please refer to Connecting to Pritunl VPN

7. I want to send TSP IP to the client to whitelist few applications

Please send the following IP to the client and connect to your project profile for the access.

For projects who doesn’t have project profile already, please raise a request via youtrack

8. I’m still using TSPCAMOM profile, will that be an issue ?

TSPCA and TSPCAMOM profiles will be deprecated by April 1st 2024. Please start using TSP_Common and Project Profiles and report any issues via youtrack request form