Getting Started with Svelte

Initial Setup

Using Svelte in Visual Studio Code

Install Svelte for VS Code

Browser Setup

Main guide: Svelte Devtool Repository , available as extension for Chrome and Firefox.

It’s recommended to test the app in all popular browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox in that order), but you might not need to install devtool in all browsers, but only the one you usually use.

Use Git

Refer to Getting Started to start.

Getting started with Svelte

Unit Testing

Mock API

  1. Create your first mock API with Mockoon
  2. Mockoon GUI cheat sheet
  3. Mockoon. How to create your local API server in 2 minutes

Create Apps



  1. Follow the example to create the first to do list app.
  2. Create mock API for Todo app.
  3. Change the Todo app to call mock API.
  4. Create Unit Testing.
  5. Push your code to your personal repository in TSP’s Gitlab.